Discipline - Incorporating and Breaking. 6-1 Principle
From the time you were a kid to the time where you are present today, there's one thing common which is being more talked and stressed about. It's the DISCIPLINE. You get it from parents and then the legacy of reminding you passes on to many others. Teachers in school do 1 thing more diligently and that is to teach you discipline. If you sit down for a moment and think, you will realize that Discipline was always with you every now and then. It's about following or ignoring it that really mattered. Now we all know the positives of being disciplined. Discipline can add happiness to your life, it can allow you to achieve goals by weeding out the distractions in your life, it persevere you through external obstacles that try to stop you from achieving your goals. it reinstates focus over distraction, It gives you the character. More importantly, it makes you feel good and contended. How? I will come back to this. We all as we grow, fail to reflect upon the outcomes of all that...